Alaska State Elks Association Committees perform a variety of essential tasks to ensure programs run smoothly while offering guidance and assistance to Lodges within the state. What follows is a list of ASEA Committees including a brief description.
Americanism – This Committee is dedicated to promoting American ideals and patriotism throughout Alaska, with members and non-members alike.
Convention Committee – Members of this committee recommend locations for ASEA Conventions and Midwinter Training Sessions. Conventions rotate among the three Alaskan Districts – West, Central, and Southeast. Lodges interested in hosting a convention or training session should inquire with this committee.
Directory – This committee prepares the ASEA Annual Directory, which can be downloaded in the Member’s Section of this website.
Drug Awareness – Substance use is a problem all over Alaska. This committee helps empower lodges to provide educational outreach to those most affected by drug use, especially families and children.
Elks National Foundation – The ASEA is dedicated to supporting the ENF through fundraising efforts on a state and local level.
Veterans Committee and Wounded Veterans Project – The ASEA is dedicated to helping veterans around the state. We support a number of programs offering support and thanks to our nation’s heroes. For more information about our Veteran’s Programs, see the dedicated page on this website.
Government Relations – The ASEA promotes good relations with government entities on a local, state, and federal level.
Hoop Shoot – This Committee helps Hoop Shoot participants advance from the local stage to state and national events.
Membership – This important committee helps local lodges advance membership goals by offering training, grant programs, and ongoing assistance designed to increase membership at the Lodge level.
Officer Training – This Committee provides new officers with in-depth training designed to help them get the most out of their volunteer role. Our annual Midwinter Training Conference offers personalized training to Secretaries, incoming Exalted Rulers, and Lodge Trustees.
Public Relations – Elks are good at serving their communities but often fall short when it comes to publicizing their charitable efforts. This committee empowers lodges to improve public relations through education and grant programs designed to increase public exposure.
Ritualistic – This Committee promotes Elks ritual at the Lodge level and hosts an 11 O’ Clock Toast Competition for incoming Exalted Rulers. Awards are given to district winners with the champion receiving a special prize.
Scholarship - This Committee helps current senior High School students to receive scholarships for University/College/Trade School.
Soccer Shoot – The Elks Soccer Shoot remains a popular event in many Alaskan Lodges.
Youth Activities – This committee is dedicated to helping children around the state.